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There is a kind of stigma against those people that are making copies of their video games. But backing up a $60 video game can prove to be a very intelligent move and very easy to do. Discs can break, scratch, get lost and much more. You do not want to lose your favorite game and not have any backup. Why should we invest a lot of money just because we were careless for a few moments?

I agree with punishing those people stealing software but backing up the video game you already paid for is something that every intelligent person should do. This article is all about teaching you how to do a copy when you have the.ISO file.

First, you have to alter the Xbox 360 to use the homebrew soft. By doing this you will void the warranty. You can also try to run GameFly. You can also search the XboxScene if you want to get more information. After you altered the Xbox and have the.ISO file, you can get on with it. Make sure you will use quality media to do this file. In order to get the video game, you have to use Dual Layer DVDs. They are very different from DVD-R or DVD+R. You need to check if on your DVD it is written DVD-DL. Then you know you have the right disc.

You can use Verbatim brand as they are very reliable. Or, you can try Memorex, which they are also good. The software you will use is Imgburn and you can download it from the internet, going to After you install the software utility, you have to use the settings menu to change the break of the layer to L0 = 1913760. This change allows the program to create a layer break on that disc. This break is responsible for telling Xbox 360 that the disc inside is authentic. So make sure you change that setting and you will not have any problems.

After this, all will go smooth. You need to open your file and adjust the speed of the burning. Make sure you use less than the maximum speed of the burner. It is safer this way. There are people saying that this measure is useless but I have noticed that no disc will break if it is burned on a lower (like 2.4x) burning speed. The disc is ready and all you need is to press play.

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